A new report, “Moving Ahead Together: A Framework for Integrating HIV/AIDS & Aging Services,” was recently released by Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) that provides a comprehensive framework of recommendations for strengthening the integration of HIV and aging care and services through increased awareness, more customized programs, closer cross-sector connections, and stronger policymaking.
GMHC worked with other leaders in aging and HIV services to develop the report beginning in 2019 with the launch of GIA’s Moving Ahead Together initiative. Contributors include Stephen Karpiak, PhD, director of the National Resource Center on HIV and Aging at GMHC. Highlighted in the report is GMHC’s signature Buddy Program, which provides one-on-one psychosocial support to clients.
In response to the aging of the HIV epidemic, GMHC continues to be a leader in developing holistic programs that address the unmet, complex, health and psycho social needs of people 50 years and older, who are living with HIV and long-term survivors.
Gilead Sciences supported the development of the Moving Ahead Together: A Framework for Integrating HIV/AIDS & Aging Services.”
To read the full report, please click here.