Francine Goldstein at the 2023 AIDS Walk New York in Central Park.
Francine Goldstein walking strong at the 2023 AIDS Walk New York. Photos: Daphne Salgado

Star Walker Francine Goldstein’s 5 Fundraising Tips for AIDS Walk New York

Join us for AIDS Walk New York on Sunday, May 19 in Central Park!

For inspiration and a few tips on fundraising, we checked in with Francine Goldstein. She aims to break the $1 million mark in lifetime fundraising at her 36th AIDS Walk this year. 

But if you’re just starting out, she says, it doesn’t matter if your goal is just $500 or $5,000. In fact, Goldstein’s only supporters for her first AIDS Walk New York were her husband Lenny and their two dogs. Any size donation helps, she says, noting that her own donors contribute anywhere from $5 to $25,000. 

Here are five tips from Goldstein to help you get the ball rolling. 

Tip 1: Tell People Your Story 

“Have a story to tell about why you are walking to raise money to fight HIV and AIDS,” Goldstein says. “This is extremely important. There are so many causes—how does AIDS Walk New York relate to you?” Be sure and share your story on your online fundraising page at! 

Goldstein signed up for her first AIDS Walk New York in 1988 after her best friend was diagnosed with AIDS. GMHC staff helped her friend secure essential medical and legal services, and our volunteers made hospital visits until her death from AIDS-related complications in 1991.  

“I loved my friend so much, and I miss her terribly,” Goldstein says. “I promised her that I would do everything that I could to make sure that no one else would have to suffer the way that she did.” That promise has kept Goldstein walking all these years to support GMHC. 

Tip 2: Don’t Be Shy—Ask Everyone! 

“Don’t be afraid to ask for a contribution. You might be surprised to find out that people have a personal reason to donate,” Goldstein advises. “A number of people who donate will share their own story and tell me they lost a friend or relative to AIDS.” 

“Once you get started and people start supporting you, you’re going to feel more self-confident,” Goldstein adds. She progressed from asking close friends and family for donations to co-workers, professional acquaintances, and even people she meets at charitable events. “I was at an event on Long Island, and the fellow next to me was a partner in a BMW dealership in Brooklyn,” Goldstein said. “He found my story moving and said he would help.”

Tip 3: Expand Your Donor Network 

After asking family, friends, and co-workers, Goldstein suggests expanding your network by asking them to share your donation request with their friends and relatives. Remember to ask your donors if their company has a matching funds program, which could double their contribution. 

Also, don’t forget your professional networks! Goldstein’s repeat contributors include her dentist, doctor, retirement fund broker, and even salespeople at Macy’s, where she is a regular customer. 

Tip 4: Ask Elected Officials and Causes You Support 

Goldstein and her husband are active in local politics in Long Island, and they support many humanitarian causes—so she makes sure to ask the people she supports to support her too. 

In addition to asking her Congressmember, Goldstein has found that people she’s met at fundraisers for the children’s charities she supports have been glad to help. One doctor who volunteers for medical missions in Central America donated $300. “He thought what I was doing was important,” she says.

Tip 5: Get the Word Out 

Use your social media platforms to share your story with potential supporters. We have a toolkit to help! Goldstein emphasizes the value of the personal touch. She still calls and emails her roughly 400 supporters—and even sends annual letters to some. “That’s very effective,” she said. “I thank them for sponsoring me and ask them to help spread the word.” 

“I’m not bashful. If I need help with fundraising, I say so,” she adds. “To get to $71,000 this year, I have to reach out to everyone I can.” 

Join us! You can register to walk or donate at 

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