GMHC's community relations director, Krishna Stone, chats with Shawn Smith and Steve Sciortino at the Avita open house on September 8.

GMHC Opens Pharmacy With Avita to Serve Our Clients

We’re thrilled to announce that GMHC has partnered with Avita Pharmacy to open an on-site pharmacy at our offices at 307 W. 38th Street.

That will make it easier for our clients to obtain the medications they need from pharmacists with the specialized expertise to address their concerns. To celebrate the launch, GMHC staff and clients held an open house with Avita on Sept. 8 at the new pharmacy, conveniently located on the 5th floor.

When clients come to GMHC—whether it’s to meet with a case manager, attend a support group, obtain services, or pick up a nutritious meal bag—they can drop off prescriptions at the pharmacy and pick them up when they’re done. It’s an expansion of our wraparound care model, and the convenience of one-stop shopping helps with medication adherence.

With the Avita Pharmacy at GMHC, people can get their HIV treatment and prevention medications quickly and easily. The same goes for other medications needed for good mental and physical health.

Avita’s pharmacists have a high degree of cultural competency in serving LGBTQ people and sexual wellness patient care. They are also specially trained and well versed in HIV medications, such as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis).

Our existing partnership with QCarePlus already allowed GMHC clients to affordably obtain PrEP for HIV prevention online. Now, QCarePlus can send prescriptions directly to Avita Pharmacy to be filled on site. The Avita Pharmacy at GMHC is enrolled in the federal 340B Program for health centers that serve low-income and uninsured people, which allows it to purchase prescription drugs at significantly reduced prices from manufacturers participating in Medicaid.

Another benefit for clients is privacy. Now people can come to GMHC and fill prescriptions for sexual and mental health in a safe, secure space, instead of using a pharmacy in their neighborhood. That makes it easier to ask questions about medications and how to use them, or to talk about any side effects.

The partnership with Avita also offers our clients a greater degree of service. The Avita Pharmacy at GMHC is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for in-person service. Our clients can also call an Avita pharmacist 24/7 to get answers to any urgent questions.

All are welcome to use the new pharmacy; it’s open to the public, as well as GMHC clients and staff.

GMHC and Avita staff celebrate the launch of the Avita Pharmacy.

We Won't Back Down!

Our promise to our clients and our community is to provide lifesaving work for people living with and affected by HIV. Will you help us keep up the fight?