Long-Term Thriving: From Theater to Emojis, GMHC Buddies Stay Connected

GMHC’s signature Buddy Program, which pairs a client living with HIV with a volunteer who can offer emotional support, requires a one-year commitment, but Rudy Miles and John Young have been buddies for six years and counting. “We actually like each other,” jokes Miles, the volunteer of the pair. A makeup artist extraordinaire, he’s created […]

Out of the Darkness: A World AIDS Day Evening in Photos

World AIDS Day Out of the Darkness event 2022

We are sharing these inspiring images from the Out of the Darkness events held on World AIDS Day, Dec. 1, as GMHC enters its 41st year in the fight against the HIV and AIDS epidemic. Our community met that evening at the NYC AIDS Memorial for a candlelight vigil, then walked through the West Village […]