For World AIDS Day on December 1, GMHC staff participated in events across New York City, embracing the theme of “Remember and Commit” to mark the observance’s 35th year. As the world’s first HIV and AIDS service organization, GMHC continues to lead the charge to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected.

GMHC staff started the day at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for a briefing on its HIV Surveillance Annual Report for 2022, released to coincide with World AIDS Day. Then, GMHC Community Relations Director Krishna Stone moderated a panel convened by the Health Department on ways to increase awareness and services for youth impacted by the HIV and AIDS epidemic.

We were honored to co-host the first-ever World AIDS Day vigil with NYC Mayor Eric Adams at the City Hall Rotunda for a reading of the names of those we’ve lost to AIDS-related complications. GMHC Community Health Educator Lillibeth Gonzalez, a long-term HIV survivor, joined the mayor and other guest speakers, including NYC Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan.

Braving the weather, GMHC staff joined a community Out of the Darkness event that started at the New York City AIDS Memorial with a reflective candlelight vigil. From there, participants walked to St. John’s Lutheran Church for the Out of the Darkness gathering. The event featured the NYC Flaggers, musicians, uplifting speakers, and the Blessings of the Safer Sex Kits.
World AIDS Day remains an opportunity to stand in solidarity with people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS, and our colleagues, friends, families, and allies to honor those we’ve lost. As we remember them, we renew our commitment to stay in the fight and end the epidemic. While we were first in the fight, our commitment remains steadfast—first in the fight, and still in the fight.
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