AIDS Walk New York volunteers cheering on walkers in 2023. Photo: Frank Rocco.
AIDS Walk New York volunteers cheer on walkers. Photo: Frank Rocco.

GMHC Volunteer Spirit: AIDS Walk New York and Beyond

For Volunteer Appreciation Month, we are celebrating the caring and dedicated volunteers who make our most essential events and services so successful—notably, AIDS Walk New York. This beloved annual event on Sunday, May 19 supports GMHC’s vital advocacy and services for people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. 

We’re anticipating over 11,000 walkers and teams will join together in Central Park this year for AIDS Walk New York, the world’s largest single-day HIV and AIDS fundraising event. To put on such a massive event, it takes over 400 fantastic volunteers to guide walkers along the four-mile route through the Park and to help with set up, crowd control, and clean up.  

For our volunteers, it’s a fun, meaningful way to take part in the Walk. “Ultimately, it’s about wanting to give back to the community—to do some good in the world,” said Shelley Levine, Senior Director of Training and the Volunteer Center. 

It takes 100 Route Marshals stationed along the course to guide walkers and cheer them on, while keeping pedestrians and cyclists clear of the course. Another 70 Crowd Control volunteers assist regular Central Park visitors and keep pedestrian traffic flowing along the course. And it takes 45 Green Team volunteers to keep the venue clean and beautiful. 

Levine said GMHC still has volunteer opportunities available for Route Marshals, Crowd Control helpers, and Green Team clean-up crew support. Route Marshals must be at least 18 years old, while Crowd Control helpers and Green Teamers must be at least 16 years old. 

Our volunteers also distribute fundraising awards, staff route checkpoints, and support the teams of walkers. Meanwhile, our Info Army volunteers rove around the event venue during the Walk to answer questions and give directions. 

Pro tip from Levine: Interested volunteers should sign up by May 3 to secure their desired roles. 

Artistic Talents 

For special events like AIDS Walk New York and the upcoming Latex Ball in June, our brilliant cadre of volunteer photographers capture the beautifully diverse personalities and energy of our community. Check out their incredible images from the 2023 AIDS Walk New York and Latex Ball. 

We’re also grateful to the spectacular Broadway performers who contributed their time and talent to celebrate legendary composer Alan Menken at the GMHC Cabaret and Howard Ashman Award in February. It was one of our most memorable and successful Cabarets ever! 

In addition to events, GMHC’s community volunteers support our ongoing work, such as HIV prevention services and the Meals and Nutrition program. To address the food insecurity experienced by many of our clients, they assist in distributing nutritious meal bags for our Grab n’ Go pantry and serve clients hot meals in our dining room. 

For more information about our wide-ranging volunteer opportunities, check our website at 



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