Stride Past Stigma: AIDS Walk New York in Photos!
In just a month, thousands of people will converge on Central Park for AIDS Walk New York on Sunday, May 19 in solidarity, remembrance, and celebration.
In just a month, thousands of people will converge on Central Park for AIDS Walk New York on Sunday, May 19 in solidarity, remembrance, and celebration.
We caught up with Q ahead of her AIDS Walk New York appearance to talk about her decision to disclose her status on national tv, the ubiquitous myths surrounding HIV, and how each of us can work to end stigma.
With our shared commitment to ending the HIV and AIDS epidemic in New York City, we’re thrilled to announce that ViiV Healthcare is the Presenting Sponsor for AIDS Walk New York for the fifth consecutive year.
For Volunteer Appreciation Month, we are celebrating the caring and dedicated volunteers who make our most essential events and services so successful—notably, AIDS Walk New York. This beloved annual event on Sunday, May 19 supports GMHC’s vital advocacy and services for people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS.
In just a month, thousands of people will converge on Central Park for AIDS Walk New York on Sunday, May 19 in solidarity, remembrance, and celebration.
AIDS Walk New York has partnered with WeWard to convert your steps into donations!
Join us for AIDS Walk New York on Sunday, May 19 in Central Park! For inspiration and a few tips on fundraising, we checked in with Francine Goldstein. She aims to break the $1 million mark in lifetime fundraising at her 36th AIDS Walk this year.
Last year, more than 11,000 enthusiastic participants raised over $2.1 million to benefit GMHC’s lifesaving services for people living and affected by HIV and AIDS. GMHC aims to top that number in 2024.
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Our promise to our clients and our community is to provide lifesaving work for people living with and affected by HIV. Will you help us keep up the fight?