Racism, Trauma, and Healing: How GMHC Serves Black Communities

GMHC clients at The Clubhouse.

For Black History Month, we asked GMHC’s community relations director, Krishna Stone, how the agency serves Black communities, which experience a disproportionate and debilitating impact from the HIV/AIDS and, now, COVID-19 pandemics. Photo: Bill Wadman Addressing racism and other inequities that create barriers to care “is in the air we breathe,” she said. “HIV and […]

An Unwitting Pilgrim: David Pais

David Pais

David Pais’ life so far has been an unwitting pilgrimage. “Everything that’s happened to me in my life has not been planned. I’m being led,” he said. Pais, a devout Catholic, is also gay and a long-term HIV survivor. He started volunteering for GMHC as soon as the agency opened forty years ago, wanting to […]

Why Does FDA Ban ‘Gay’ Blood?

Jordan Eagles's Blood Mirror Installation at Trinity Wall Street, New York, NY 2015

The American Red Cross issued an urgent appeal for blood donations in January, warning that the U.S. blood supply is dangerously low because of a sharp drop in donations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even so, gay and bisexual men, clinically referred to as “men who have sex with men” or MSM, are still being told […]