AIDS Walk New York Partners With WeWard

AIDS Walk New York has partnered with WeWard to convert your steps into donations! 

What is WeWard? WeWard links with your phone’s pedometer to track daily steps and then converts them into rewards called “Wards” when users hit key thresholds, such as 1,500 steps. The number of Wards earned increases as users reach each threshold, with Wards earned each day going into their overall Wards pot. “Wards” can then be converted into real-world rewards such as cash, vouchers, or donations to charity. 

That’s where GMHC and AIDS Walk New York come in. Starting on May 8, WeWard walkers will be able to turn their steps into #AWNY donations—with prizes ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 to support GMHC’s vital work in HIV/AIDS advocacy, education and support services.

Download WeWard and join the AIDS Walk NY championship by following the steps below! Download instructions here. 

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