GMHC is located at 307 West 38th Street, FL 4, New York, NY 10018 (between 8th and 9th Avenues)
Administrative Offices
Monday–Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (by appointment)
Testing Center
Monday: 9:30am – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Tuesday: 9:30am – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Wednesday: 2pm – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Thursday: 9:30am – 6:00pm (accepting walk-ins!)
Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Lunch is served to all clients Monday — Thursday, 11:30 a.m – 1:30 p.m., in the 5th floor dining room.
- Masks are no longer required in the building, and will be optional for staff and clients in the dining rooms.
- Clients will be asked to present their GMHC ID, or another form of ID for sign in.
The Clubhouse
The Clubhouse Youth Drop-in Space, open Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., is designed to focus on the unique needs and interests of LGBTGNC youth of color and young adults who want to learn how to make smart decisions in their lives and have great support in doing so.
How to Become a Client at GMHC
Please complete this secure and confidential form or call (212) 367-1057.
Staff are providing remote intake services by phone for people who wish to become a client and access services. Staff will assess your needs and make referrals to programs and services provided by GMHC and/or our partners throughout New York City.
Please note: To ensure our clients and community members are well cared for, stable, and safe, we will continue to provide telehealth (remote) services in addition to some in-person services.
Keep visiting this page for updates, or email info@gmhc.org for information about how to receive GMHC services and connect with GMHC staff, as well as general questions and referrals.
GMHC does not provide COVID-19 vaccines. Please see link below for updates on vaccines in New York City.
Services and Contacts
Staff are conducting virtual workshops and continually updating the HIV & Aging website with information on COVID-19: aginghiv.org
Contact: Doug Hill, senior director of ACRIA centers at GMHC, dough@gmhc.org
Action Center
Action Center staff are connecting with Action Center members and will soon be co-sponsoring a virtual general body meeting with the Consumer Advisory Board (CAB).
Contact: Angel Soto, senior organizer, angels@gmhc.org, 929-387-2716
Advocacy/Access to Healthcare
Staff are taking calls, advocating for clients with HASA, making referrals for services such as food, assisting clients to complete ADAP applications, and doing health insurance enrollments through the Marketplace.
Contacts: Denise Cartagena, enrollment coordinator, DeniseC@gmhc.org, 934-451-2097; Alexandra Remmel, client advocate, alexandrar@gmhc.org, 917-379-6934
Brenneis-Boger Hub for Long-Term Survivors
The Brenneis-Boger Hub for Long-Term Survivors is offering virtual events including the “I’m Still Here” workshops, Bingo Night, Wellness Night, and Book Clubs.
Contact: ltshub@gmhc.org.
Community Health
Staff are checking in with clients who receive one-on-one services. All groups are being conducted virtually.
Contact: Melvin Bruce II, director of community health, melvinb@gmhc.org
Consumer Advisory Board (CAB)
CAB staff and members are interconnecting and holding daily phone conferences. Consumers’ concerns can be directed to the listed contact below.
Contact: Rhonda Harris, Chief Human Resources & Strategy Officer, rhondah@gmhc.org
Financial Management
Staff are working one-on-one with clients over the phone. Checks will be administered to clients by mail, TD Bank card, or in person on pay dates.
Contact: Dayana Flores, senior financial management case worker, dayanaf@gmhc.org
Healthy Aging
Staff are working one-on-one with clients remotely and providing assessments for mental health and substance use services.
Contact: Doug Hill, dough@GMHC.org
HOPWA Supportive Housing, HUD COC Housing and Safety in Housing
Supportive Housing is providing one-on-one phone or webchat services to all housing clients.
Contact: Daisy Guzman, housing case manager, daisyg@gmhc.org, 917-669-5499
Hotline (800) 243-7692
Staff are taking calls and answering emails providing information, referrals, and support to those in need. All voicemails will be returned within 24 business hours.
Contact: hotline@gmhc.org
Staff are providing remote (via-phone) intake services, for clients who wish to become a GMHC client and access services. We are also contacting clients in need of reassessments and conducting reassessments via phone. Staff will assess client needs and make referrals as appropriate both internally and externally.
Contact: Denise Roman, senior intake specialist, deniser@gmhc.org, (212) 367-1057
Legal Services
Staff are providing legal services remotely through email and telephone.
Civil Legal: Civil Legal is remotely providing the full range of services listed on the website.
Contact: Jonathan Russo, director of civil legal, legal@gmhc.org; 212-367-1423
Immigration: Legal Immigration offers representation in a variety of matters, including asylum, naturalization applications, work authorization, adjustment of status, replacement of permanent residence cards, alien relative petitions, immigrant visa processing, and removal proceedings. We also provide domestic violence immigration-related services, including VAWA self-petitions, battered spouse waivers, and U-visa applications. Our attorneys and representatives are taking calls and scheduling appointments for immigration-related needs and providing services remotely through email and telephone.
Contacts: Babatunde Tinubu, senior supervising attorney, legalimmigration@gmhc.org, 212-367-1254; Vishal Trivedi, director of immigration services, immigrationlegal@gmhc.org; 212-367-1308
Spanish speakers: Yanira Gomez-Lopez, senior legal advocate, legalimmigration@gmhc.org, 212-367-1328
Meals & Nutrition
Lunch is served to all clients Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:30 a.m – 1:30 p.m., in the 5th floor dining room.
- Masks are no longer required in the building, and will be optional for staff and clients in the dining rooms.
- Clients will be asked to present their GMHC ID, or another form of ID for sign in.
Grab ‘n’ Go meals distribution program. Between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, the Keith Haring Food Pantry Program provides a shelf-stable food bag to all clients (once a month).
If you are interested in nutrition services including remote nutrition counseling and virtual nutrition education groups, email Nutrition@gmhc.org.
Mental Health and Substance Use Services
Mental Health and Substance Use programs are providing hybrid services (in-person and via telehealth) based on individual suitability and preference.
Contact: mhs@gmhc.org
The Testing Center provides free and confidential testing for HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and hepatitis C. We provide each client with education and counseling sessions, and ensure clients are linked to medical care for the treatment of HIV/STIs, and the initiation of PrEP/PEP.
Testing Center is open Monday–Friday.
Monday: 9:30am – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Tuesday: 9:30am – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Wednesday: 2pm – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Thursday: 9:30am – 6:00pm (accepting walk-ins!)
Friday: 9:30am – 4:30pm (by appointment only)
Appointments can be made online or by calling 212-367-1100.
After you schedule your appointment, you should use the link provided by email to complete your intake paperwork online.
Alternately, you may order a free HIV Self-test Kit if you would prefer to test yourself. Click here for more information.
Clients are encouraged to utilize the links to wellness activities that may help with lowering stress and increasing energy levels during this time.
Contact: Shelley Levine, director of training and volunteer center, shelleyl@gmhc.org
- Writing Class
- Writing Exercises
- 60-Minute Yoga Class
- 30-Minute Yoga Class
- 30-Minute Gentle Yoga
- Stress Relief Yoga
- 20-Minute Pilates for Beginners
- 10-Minute Pilates Workout
- 25 Minute Pilates Workout
- Beginner’s Meditation (Part 1)
- Beginner’s Meditation (Part 2)
- 10-Minute Chakra Balance Meditation
- Bedtime Meditation
Workforce Development
Workforce Development staff are providing case management and retention services to enrolled clients deemed essential by the city and state. Staff will travel to clients to collect pay stubs and distribute MetroCards.
Contact: Olivia Gaillard, senior director of workforce development, OliviaG@GMHC.o